Move mouse |
Rotate camera/look around
W, Arrow Up |
Move camera forward
A, Arrow Left |
Move camera left
S, Arrow Down |
Move camera backward
D, Arrow Right |
Move camera right
Space |
Move camera up
Shift |
Move camera down
Left Mouse |
If not in build mode:
- Select a ship
- Select a building
Right Mouse |
If an own ship is selected and not in build mode:
- Move a ship to a free location
- Interact with a building (if in range)
Alt |
Keep pressed to move cursor instead of rotating camera/looking around
N |
If any ship is selected and not in build mode:
T |
Open chat window
F11 |
Keep pressed to hide HUD (for screenshots)
Tab |
View players list
Sandbox/Build Mode
B |
If an own ship is selected:
- toggle build mode / RTS mode
0 |
Cycle through available building levels
1 |
Cycle through loaded buildable items. Activates item mode
2 |
Cycle through loaded blocks. Activates block mode
3 |
Cycle through buildings. Activates building mode.
4 |
Switch to erase mode
Left Mouse |
If in block or erase mode:
- Erase a building, item or block
Right Mouse |
Place selected building, item, or block
R, Middle Mouse |
Rotate item or building before placing
L |
Open ship-finder
Items / Building Interaction
Left Mouse |
If no item is in your hand:
Pick up complete stack from item slot
Right Mouse |
If no item is in your hand:
Pick up half of a stack (rounded down) from item slot
Left Mouse |
If item is in your hand:
- Drop everything from your hand into item slot
- Drop everything from your hand somewhere in space
Right Mouse |
If item is in your hand:
Drop half of items from your hand (rounded down) into item slot
PVP/PVE Instances
Left Mouse |
Select a ship
Right Mouse |
If a ship is selected:
Attack enemy ship or building