
From Galactineers
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Keys Action
Move mouse Rotate camera/look around
W, Arrow Up Move camera forward
A, Arrow Left Move camera left
S, Arrow Down Move camera backward
D, Arrow Right Move camera right
Space Move camera up
Shift Move camera down
Left Mouse

If not in build mode:

  • Select a ship
  • Select a building
Right Mouse

If an own ship is selected and not in build mode:

  • Move a ship to a free location
  • Interact with a building (if in range)
Alt Keep pressed to move cursor instead of rotating camera/looking around

If any ship is selected and not in build mode:

  • Open ship analyzer
T Open chat window
F11 Keep pressed to hide HUD (for screenshots)
Tab View players list

Sandbox/Build Mode

Keys Action

If an own ship is selected:

  • toggle build mode / RTS mode
0 Cycle through available building levels
1 Cycle through loaded buildable items. Activates item mode
2 Cycle through loaded blocks. Activates block mode
3 Cycle through buildings. Activates building mode.
4 Switch to erase mode
Left Mouse If in block or erase mode:
  • Erase a building, item or block
Right Mouse Place selected building, item, or block
R, Middle Mouse Rotate item or building before placing
L Open ship-finder

Items / Building Interaction

Keys Action
Left Mouse

If no item is in your hand: Pick up complete stack from item slot

Right Mouse

If no item is in your hand: Pick up half of a stack (rounded down) from item slot

Left Mouse

If item is in your hand:

  • Drop everything from your hand into item slot
  • Drop everything from your hand somewhere in space
Right Mouse

If item is in your hand: Drop half of items from your hand (rounded down) into item slot

PVP/PVE Instances

Keys Action
Left Mouse Select a ship
Right Mouse

If a ship is selected: Attack enemy ship or building

Tutorial videos